Learn PHP

Agnes D Palit
2 min readJan 5, 2019


I learn PHP since I was in undergraduate. I learn when I internship in PT. Bank SULUTGO. And I learn the PHP language because I need to create the project that be given from the company, especially from IT division that used to create the project using HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP, and so on.

The project was helped the employer to group the customer of the bank to the certain type that already divided by them.

I learned PHP for around 7 days. I remember it was in 2015. I learn by try to code from the basic logic until the complex one from the website codecademy.com. It really helped me to understand step by step what should I do in PHP language to build an app.

I have several challenge when I build the project. For instances, when I tried to compile the app, but the laptop can help me to do that. My laptop has lack of RAM memory. And it also easy to get off/blue screen. I the otherhand, I should help the another staff to get some call from another branch of this company and forward the information to the appropriate staff. It should be done, because this division is about IT and operational that handle about all important things about IT and operational regarding the financial that happen in Bank for all around North Celebes.

The interesting moment happened, when I almost finished the task, and my laptop suddenly can not turn on. It was really underpressure time. When I need to finish the task, I needed to go the service shop to repair it. However, in the end it did not work. Thankfully, I had backup the programme, so that I can access it using another computer belongs to the office. In the meantime, I felt grateful, because my work collague by willingnes want to take a look the problem that happen to my laptop.

In this exprecience, I learn a new things to learn PHP. The really new programming language, and in the same time, I need to create the commercial project that will be used for the company. I also learn how manage my self in underpressure situation. And also how to manage my time to work another stand instead of code. And the special thing how to do the good communication with my work collage.



Agnes D Palit

Programming, reading, traveling, sharing, health