About Papua in Indonesia

Agnes D Palit
2 min readOct 4, 2021

About a few years ago, I entered high school. The high school is LOKON St Nikolaus High School Tomohon. This school is located in North Sulawesi – Tomohon.

A lot unforgettable moments i had when i study and live in the boarding school. I experienced a fairly severe culture shock, when entering this school. It was not as easy to be in crowded, and suddenly I met with numerous people from grades 10 to 12. Not to mention the culture of seniority which was quite strict. And I could say that as long as I went to school from elementary to college, seniority at Lokon High School could be said to be the most “hard”, inferior to schools in Java and abroad.

At that time, I started to know many friends from many race from Sabang to Merauke. Since this school is an RSBI (International Standard School Pioneer), it was not surprising that many children from various provinces attend school here, including friends from PAPUA.

Without looking at the official website/reference, we could argue that PAPUA is an area that quite left behind compared to other regions in Indonesia. Hanging out with them is also not easy enough. They have their own way of life, both in terms of talking, socializing, lifestyle, bathing, playing, and others. Compared to people with other race, I think they have a character that is quite loud and brave but at the same time humorous. But, for sure, they are really nice people, easy to getting along, and they high respect about how importance of family.



Agnes D Palit

Programming, reading, traveling, sharing, health